Veldin OOB - Cloudwalking, Sublevel and Unused Assets

This glitch has been covered in other glitch videos and was still operational as of this writing May 24th. It's worth exploring as it's pretty surreal. Keep in mind that you have to be pretty far away from gameplay surfaces to walk on the clouds or you will fall through and die. If you walk out and try to come back from another side, you'll still fall through when you get close.

Basically, get to the clouds, walk and walk and walk (or jump fly) until you fall off. Glide until you can see the cubes floating in space (the unused graphic assets) and land on them. Take a look around and enjoy feeling like you're in a Dali painting. Then dive off and quit - otherwise you'll "fall" indefinitely.

Here are some still photos, and then videos follow.

For the video below, you may want to skip ahead to about 4:00 minutes in.


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